Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Hi Everyonez!

Well, just a normal day at the office for me. Leesa wents to work - I know dis, she had her black pants on. So, I'z just laze around and sleep most of the day:

But, I wakes up long enough to read some of the other #blogjune posts. I speshally likes Aunty Fiona's blog, Bun-toting Librarian. Today, Aunty Fi put up an online quiz about what a hoomin's Dewey Number is. I was a bit confused, cause I thoughts Dewey was a kitteh like me? Apparently not.

I thought putting my name into the quiz would be amusing, speshally seeing as I has a very long name, cause I'z a pedigree kitteh! Here's the results of the quiz:

Aacarmar Elalajust Devani Philip's Dewey Decimal Section:

703 Dictionaries of fine & decorative arts

Aacarmar Elalajust Devani Philip = 11318318521210190452149689296 = 113+183+185+212+101+904+521+496+892+96 = 3703

700 Arts & Recreation

Architecture, drawing, painting, music, sports.

What it says about you:
You're creative and fun, and you're good at motivating the people around you. You're attracted to things that are visually interesting. Other people might not always understand your taste or style, but it's yours.
Find your Dewey Decimal Section at Spacefem.com


Aacarmar Elalajust Devani Philip's Dewey Decimal Section:

237 [Unassigned]

Aacarmar Elalajust Devani Philip's birthday: 2/25/2012 = 225+2012 = 2237

200 Religion

The Bible and other religious texts, books about the general philosophy and theory of religion.

What it says about you:
You don't mind thinking about the unknown or other very big ideas. You will never feel like your work is finished. The 200-series is dominated by Christian topics, so you may feel like you're constantly surrounded by Christians.
Find your Dewey Decimal Section at Spacefem.com

Hmmmmm... not so sure about these.Will have to thinks about them some more. Maybe after another kittehnaps. Yawn......

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