Sunday, July 1, 2012

Hi Everyonez!

Well, here iz my last post for #blogjune, even if it iz July! (What'z July?) 

Leesa an' me have been very busy, doin' stuffs. Leesa had to go to the hairdresser yesterday, and she came back covered in makeup! What?? There are no photos of that though, so you'll just have to take my word for it. Oh, and @fionawb's, cause Leesa sent her a photo of her painted toenails! Den, she went out and didn't come home till latez!!! I hads to cuddle wif Grandpa instead. 

Did I mentions dat Grandma and Grandpa are visiting? And do they creates upheavals! Dey helps Leesa wif lots of stuffs she doesn't have time to do normally. Still, this is ok. At the end of the day, we all relax. Is good. I can cuddle wif Grandpa:

Isn't he a good Grandpa, giving me cuddlez? I thinks so!!

Well, me and Leesa are signing off for #blogjune. See you next year!

Mwah, Lovez Devani