Sunday, July 1, 2012

Hi Everyonez!

Well, here iz my last post for #blogjune, even if it iz July! (What'z July?) 

Leesa an' me have been very busy, doin' stuffs. Leesa had to go to the hairdresser yesterday, and she came back covered in makeup! What?? There are no photos of that though, so you'll just have to take my word for it. Oh, and @fionawb's, cause Leesa sent her a photo of her painted toenails! Den, she went out and didn't come home till latez!!! I hads to cuddle wif Grandpa instead. 

Did I mentions dat Grandma and Grandpa are visiting? And do they creates upheavals! Dey helps Leesa wif lots of stuffs she doesn't have time to do normally. Still, this is ok. At the end of the day, we all relax. Is good. I can cuddle wif Grandpa:

Isn't he a good Grandpa, giving me cuddlez? I thinks so!!

Well, me and Leesa are signing off for #blogjune. See you next year!

Mwah, Lovez Devani

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

26 June

Hi Everyonez!

What a day!! Leesa wentz to workz as normals, but she came homez with all these packages! She said that 2 of dem was for ME!! I gots presents!

Aunty Kat in Dubbo sents me dis box:

Look at all dis stuffs I got!!

Although it was Leesa that boughts me the kitteh snuggle bed. :)
So, of course I had to check it all out!!

Troubles is, Aunty Kat sent me a collar, and I've never hadz one of dems before... and Leesa put it on me!


But no, Leesa won't take it off. She says I haves to get used to it. And she's made it a bit tighter so I can't get it in my mouth any more!

I sulking and giving Leesa the evil eye now. She's laughing at me. Me thinks I'll bite her next time she's in range... 

Hmmm... maybe tomorrow after I've had some sleep... <yawn>. Night Nights, talk to everyonez tomorrow...

Monday, June 25, 2012

25 June

Hi Everyonez!

Leesa apologizes for not blogging for me for a couple of days. She spent most of Saturday recovering from working the Lions Show Shack Wednesday night and Thursday, and then yesterday was out with Lions again, catering at the rugby league - Canterbury Bulldogs vs Melbourne Storm, which was played herez in Mackay! Needless to say, she's now very tiredz.

She hasn't had the time or energy to work with those photos to clean them up yet, maybe tomorrowz. 

In other bad newz, my Aunty Kat and cousin Gucci had their house broken into again. That's twice nowz! There must be lots of bad peoples where they livez in Dubbo. 

 Dis is cousin Gucci and her bunny... 

Aunty Kat wons the bunny at the Dubbo Show, and gave it Gucci... 

Dis is Aunty Kat. Aunty Kat is the Children and Youth Librarian at Dubbo Library. She's holding Macquarie the blue tongue lizard, one of the Educators from Western Plains Zoo. Leesa says they is both working in the Library in this photo.
Hmmm... maybe Macquarie could be fun to playz wif... Macquarie, come here Macquarie!! *pounce*

Ratz!! I missed! :( 

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Just for Katherine

Hi Everyonez!

I hadz a nice quiet day today. Leesa didn't have to goes to workz, it's a public holiday for the Mackay Show! We slept in and hadz cuddles. Den Leesa had to go to the show, she was workings the Lions Show Shack today (which I supervised the cleaning of last Saturday).

She was home lots earlier than I's expected, so YAYS!

Here's my cute picture for today, it's especially for Katherine in Adelaide xoxoxo

See you all tomorrowz!

<3 Devani

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hi Everyonez...

I is not very happy today. I hadz a awful day yesterday. :(

Leesa left for workz early. Somethinks about going to the Doctor, her ear is still sore. Das bad. Den, she came home from workz, fed me my mush mush, and went out again! She left me..... :((

She didn't come home until latez - nearly 10 o'clock! She was very tireds. Tireds enough she forgot.... and I hadz a little accident. I been using Leesa's litter box thingy... <frowns> whatz it called? Oh yeah, the toilet.... as a climbing tower to get to the bathroom curtains. I runs into the bathroom, jumps ons the lid, then up on to the cistern to get at the curtains. great game, right? But last night.... Leesa was tireds after a long day, and she forgot to puts the lid down. So I runs in, jumps up and... SPLASH! Leesa's litter box has got water in it!!!!! Who knewz!? I gots wet!!! I jumped outs again quick, but I was wets and cold. Leesa came to see what the racket was I was makings. When she discovered me wif wet feet and water all over de floor, she laughed at me!!!

And dens it all got worse, Leesa decided I hadz to have a bath!!! I tried to tell her I didn't need it, but she insisted. Eventually I made such a fuss she gave up trying to wash me in the bathroom sink, so she took me in the shower. I really did notz like that!!! At least I madez her get all wet in her clothes - ha!

Then she gaves me lots of cuddles to get dry. Took more than half an hour. I felt better by then, but it was nearly 1 o'clock in the morning!! So we went and cuddles in bed. I hid under the blankies cause I was cold. But Leesa letz me do that, it's ok.

I just hopes I never havez another day likez that again!!!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

17 June

Hi Everyonez!

We've had two big days.... Yesterday we waz busy preparing the Lions Show Shack - the Mackay Show is on this week! Leesa put me in my travel box, and we wentz to the Lions Shed (dat's near home, Leesa had to load up the car wif soft drinks to take down to the show grounds). Den we wentz down to the Show Shack. I met President Audrey, First Vice President Ray, Lion John and Lion Glen!! More new peoplez!? Just how manys of you hoomins are dere? 

 Dis is Lion John and Lion Glen being inducted into de Mackay Host Lions Club...

I supervised all de hoomins (of course!) from my travel box. Leesa did get me out for a little while, and everyonez gaves me pats, but I wasn't so sure about that, so I wentz back to my box. It's safe in dere.

Today, though, Leesa hads to do the washing, otherwise she'd have had no uniforms for next week at work!! She did 3 loads of washing. I watched and was very tireds. 

I don'tz remember why I hads my hands up in my dream, buts it musta been scary! 

But of course, Leesa hads to takes my picture. Cause I'm cute, she says. <sigh> I dunno, some days I wish she'd just go awayz wif de camera, it's annoying! <malevolent look>

Friday, June 15, 2012

15 June

Well. Leesa seems like she WANTS to confuse me! Just when I thought I hadz it all worked out, she changed the routine again!!! Today she wentz to work early. Something aboutz going on a tour of the new hospital. She had to wearz all the proper safety gear to go on site: 

But I didn't knows this, and when she got up, I grabbed her hand wif my front paws, meowed "Comes back to bed! It's too early!" but she said she had to be at workz by 8 o'clock.  And then she was late home, she had to have an after workz meetin wif President Audrey fromz de Lions! Somefink about a "debrief", what ever dat is... 

Dis is President Audrey. Ohhhhhh, now I gets it! Leesa says President Audrey workz at the hospital too! Phwoar!

Ok ok, I knowz. But you wants a cute piccy of me! Here you goes den! Dis is me playing wif my toys on the cat tree...

Okayz, blog done, time for bedz! Night!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

13 June

Hi Everyonez

Sorry about missing yesterday - Leesa was at a meeting for Lions until very late. I didn't get my mush-mush until after 9 o'clock!! I was cross with Leesa and made sure she knew all about it. See my claws?

But she was home on time tonight, so we're having lotz of cuddles while we watch de State of Origin... 


Monday, June 11, 2012

11 June

Eveningz everyonez!

I is a bit late wif my post today. Leesa has been busy catching up wif de housework. She's done 4 loads of washing today! I got the tiredz just watching her! I couldn't wait until she made my bed again, I had to snooze.

Also, I'z been helping Leesa wif her reading for University.... See: I studyz hard!!

No wonderz I is tiredz!

Night all!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

10 June

Hi Everyonez

Leesa apologises for not taking my dict.. dict... wats the word? Oh yeah, dictation. She's been sick, spent the whole day in bed wif me yesterday. She's better today, though.

We've had a big day. Leesa put my harness thingy on (which I still don't like!) And we went for a walk down to the foot path to get Leesa's bin. I was scared all the way! I think Leesa will have those claw marks in her shoulder for a couple of days. Den, after some cuddles, Leesa put me in my carry box. We went for a drive! First, to the chemist (Leesa needed more drugs!) and then to the pet store:

I met Liz at the pet store, she's nice. She even knows wat an Australian Mist cat is! She says I is Beeyoutiful!! And she's right, of course! Clever Liz.

Now we is home again, and we're both pooped. Time for napz!


Thursday, June 7, 2012

7 June

Hi everyonez!

Sorry about the late post. Hoomin Leesa isn't well. Sometinks about a sore ear. <frown> Das bad. I thinks we'll be going to bed early tonight. 

Here's a cute pic though, just to tide you over. 


Night night, talk to youz tomorrows!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

6 June

Meow! Hi all

Today I sat at home again. Not sure what all this excitement is about the Transit of Venus. Leesa explained it to me, but I still don't getz it? Look at this:

And just to confuse me more, peoples putting stuffs like this in Twitter:

Fail to see why people care so much about 1 of the Williams sisters catching the Metro from Roland Garros

Mars would transit but he won’t ask for directions.

Sighs. Hoomins can be daft sometimes. Leesa says these are supposed to be funny, but....whatever!! 

Anyways, here's today's cute pic!! I's far more interesting than some planet passing in front of the Sun!


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

5 June...

Well - last night was a bit nippy. I let Leesa coverz me up with her blankie so I didn't get too cold. Not to mention, of course, it was the Full Moon too - so of course I had to act up a bit. Once Leesa finally got home from her meeting, I was so annoyed and wound up I was scampering all over the place! I even tried to find an escape route out through the bathroom window - but it was mostly shut and I couldn't get out. *Pout*

I'z also been helpsing Leesa redecorate, 'cause I didn't like the way she had it before. Leesa calls the new style 'Early Kitten'. I have now managed to get shredded paper into every room! I thinks it looks much better now. Leesa's not so sure, I thinks she is going to clean it up soon.

Leesa didn't take any pictures of me yesterday, so here's one from the weekend for youz all:

Gotta go give my friend Fi a hugz now, she desperately needs one. As Aunty Bonnie says... see y'all tomorrow!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Morning everyonez.... I'z grumpy today. Leesa says she'll be home late, she's going to a Lions dinner meeting. Huh. I wanted to knowz what dat was, so I looked it up on the interwebs:

Phwoar! Leesa is a kitteh too! A BIG one! And she does good stuffs for other peoples and their kittehs. Dat's ok then. I not so grumpy. Well, sorta. I guess that means I haz lots of time for explorin' and sleepin' today then....

OH! And play with snake! Snake, where are youz!? Snake...? Snake...? There you are! 


Sunday, June 3, 2012

3 June...

Hi Everyonez!

It's Sunday, which means Leesa is at home today. I'z planned for a good day playing, but Leesa had other ideas. She wants me to wear a harness and lead when we go outside. I don't like that idea, and we had a fight. :(

But I do want to go outside!!! Hmmm... me needs to think about this...

Dat's the harness in the photo, the blue thingy. But at least I gots the hang of my cat tree and playing wif my toys up here!

Ah well, maybe tomorrow....

Saturday, June 2, 2012

2nd of June

Ok, so it's the 2nd day of blog every day in June. I was going to blog earlier, but I had a *big fright* last night.  First, Leesa was home late from work. Then, when I came out to see her as she came in the door... it wasn't Leesa at all! I was very scared. There was a strange lady there! But, Leesa came in behind her. So, I figured it must be ok. But I hid and watched for a bit, while Leesa got my mush-mush. It turns out that this lady is Leesa's Aunt Cherry! Leesa says that she's Grandma's little sister. She didn't look little to me though...

So, once I'd had my mush-mush - I was starving! - Leesa played wif me while she was talking to Cherry. I got bwave and went to have a sniff to see if she was ok. She treated me nice so I went back to playing around by investigating everything in sight. And falling off things. I was checking out a box when I fell in it and couldn't get out! Leesa and Cherry were laughing at me. *pout* But Leesa got me out and gave me a cuddle so I felt better. They talked and talked and talked..... and didn't go to bed until very late - bad girls! I decided that I liked Cherry so I went and tucked her into bed... and then jumped up onto her tummy, which set off a round of giggles. So I went and bit her on the toe, and that was funny too! Leesa came and got me then, and we went to bed.

Today, Leesa took Aunty Cherry to meet her friend Helen, who lives down at Flaggy Rock. And yes, there is a place called Flaggy Rock!!!

So after that big adventure, Leesa was tired when she got home, so we had an afternoon nap. And that's why I'm so late wif my blog!

Oh and as requested - here is today's cute photo:


Friday, June 1, 2012

Ok, so it's the first day of June, and hoomin slave Leesa says we're blogging every day in June. So firrrst, I have to find out what this blogging means. Oh, and what's June??? 

Hey - stop laughing - I only a 3 month old kitten!

Riiight - Leesa says we have to tell all our friends a story about what's happening today, and the next 29 days. And maybe post a picture too. And she tells me that it's @fionawb's fault. Fi conned us into this!!

Ok, so what's happening today? Well, Leesa has left me by myself AGAIN. She goes to some place called work. Who am I supposed to get to slave for me if she's not here? Well, I'll just have to entertain myself eating, sleeping, and redecorating the shredded paper. Oh, and killing my pet 'snake' from the @RSPCA shop. I loooovvve my snake. Snake? Where are you? Snake....? *POUNCE!*

Thursday, May 31, 2012


Hi Everyone! 

My name is Devani and my slave Leesa will be blogging for me for Blog Every Day in June! This is a test post to say hi and to get ready. See you tomorrow!