Friday, June 14, 2013

Hi Everyonez!!

More newz from the home front. You know dat thing about 6 degrees of separation? Well, iz true. Today, My Aunty Bonnie met Melissa and Miss E for a coffee... and guess what? Not only is Miss E an absolute cutie - but they the hoomin slaves of my little brother, Noah!!

What? You didn't know I had lots of siblings!? Course I do, I'z a cat! But, little brother Noah is spesh, because he's a Lilac like me!

Dis me, I'm a Lilac Spotted Australian Mist. I called this cause I have SPOTS!

Dis Noah, he's a Lilac Marbled Australian Mist. He's called dat cause he has random stripes dat look like marble. 

The difference is in our fur patterns, but dat is all. (Oh, and he haz boy bits where I haz girl bits.) He's a cutie, isn't he?? He's still a little kitteh though, where I iz a big kitteh now. Here are some more pitchures of him:

Oh, and he sent me a pitchure of that cutie Miss E too:

Well, after all dat excitement.... yawn... I thinks I needs a kitteh nap. Talks to you tomorrow!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Hi Everyonez!

Mrow mrow! Leesa was home nearly on time tonight, well, nearly. Apparently she hads to go to the shops on the way home. When she got here, though, we had cuddlz:

Iz nice. Really! Why she hads to take the photo, though, I dunno. Hoomins.

But, Leesa is grumbling. Something about... Digital Rights Management? I think thems is the words, and whatever that means! She had to go buy a new Apple thingy. I thoughts apples were foods for hoomins? No? Ok. But, Leesa is saying bad words about this Apple thingy. She doesn't like it, and doesn't like needing to have it. So, I don't likes it either:

Leesa also told me to tell Aunty Bonnie to "shut the duck up!" Aunty Bonnie, has you got a loud duck!? Can I chases it? Please? No? Oh... sads. :(   

What does Leesa mean, then? I dunno. Maybe she needs another cuddlez? What do you all think?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Hi Everyonez!

Have I mentioned lately that Leesa's been busy? Coming home late from work and stuffs? Well, I'z not the only one who's noticed! Leesa's been to more of those Lions Change Over meetings, and - not one, not two, but three... THREE!... Lions Clubs Presidents haz given Leesa Certificates of Appreciation for all her hard work for Lions Year 12/13! Three!

She showed them to me! So thanks you to President Audrey, President Melanie and President Tom for knowing that Leesa works hard for the three Lions Clubs - Mackay Northern Beaches, Mackay Spirit of Youth, and Leesa's own club, Mackay Host.

Leesa says she's going to sleep lots over the weekend, cos she'll be busy again next week, the Mackay Show is on!

Busy Busy Busy!!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Hi Everyonez!

Leesa apologises for being sick, and not being able to take dictation for me. And she was sick.... ewwww. Less said the better, really.

Still, Leesa is at home today, and I'z confused? Maybe I'z lost count, but... isn't dis a work day?? No? Hmmmm... what's a public holiday? Whatever.

Still, if Leesa is at home, dat means I can has fun! We can haz cuddlz, and play, and I can go outside! YAY!

Except... while I waz outside, Leesa threw all my boxes in the bin!! What!!! And then, I come back inside to discover all the food bowls in the dishwasher! What a twaversty! Not fair at all. No boxes. No food. Huh. I think I'll go sulk now instead.

I don't think I likes public holidays at all!!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Hi everyonez!!

Just cause I can, here's a pitchure of me!!

Dis my shelf. Leesa builted it for me. Isn't she good? It means I have somewhere high to sit and watch wats going on. It also gives me a good route behind the curtains, which means I can do my regular window patrol, to see wats going on outside, or just see where the birdies are.

Cause you never know, I might miss something!! Wouldn't that be BAD!?

Well, it's been a long week, and Leesa is tireds. I need to put her to bed, so talks to you tomorrow!

Hi Everyonez!

Apologies for not posting yesterday, Leesa was very late getting home from workz yesterday. After finishing for the day, she stayed back and did some stuffs for the Lions!

While she was doing the Lions stuffs, though... she gots a phone call from a friend, who had been admitted to the hostipal - Aunty Jenny is very sick. <sniff> Leesa tried to esplains to me, but there was lots of big words. Somethinks about blood leaking in Jenny's brain. Good news, though, they is only little leaks! Lots of tests and stuffs for Aunty Jenny today.

Anyway - to makes everyone feels better - including me - here's a cute picture of me playing wif STRING!

Hopefully, Leesa won't be too late tonight, and I can post again then!!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Hi Everyonez!

Hmmmm, I'z been hiding in the lounge, Leesa's been shouting bad words at the tv. Something called State of Origin?? Something. Buts, I was brave and wents to talk to her. See what was wrong. Apparently we lost? Sads. :(

We had a little cuddle, and then Leesa gave me a brush. I might be a short hair cat, but I still likes to have a brush. Then Leesa gots out my flea comb. Not cause I gots fleas - I don't - but it's really good for getting the blackheads out of my fur. There must have been a really big one cause my chin hurted when Leesa touched it. I tried really hard to be good, but it hurt! <sniff>. I didn't scratch Leesa or nuffink, but I did try to get away. She musta got it out though, cause she let me go and then tolds me I was a good girl. I think I earned a treat, but Leesa says we haven't got any. I thinks Leesa needs to go shopping!

Anyway - seeing as my blog isn't complete unless I puts up a picture of me, here it is:

Dis my Grandma. We visited her house in Brisbane for Christmas. It was a great adventure, except for the flying part. I don't like going on planes. They puts me in wif the bags! How rude!! Leesa says she's buy me a seat if they would let her. Apparently she can't. Sads :(

I likes being at Grandma and Granpa's, though... I has three hoomin slaves to looks after me! It's great! Lots of cuddlez, play times and it's bigger that Leesa's house, I can run up and own the hallway at full speed! Is funny, if Grandpa sees me, he yells 'Mad Cat!!' I just laughs. And run some more.

And, thinking about running has mades me all tired now, so times for a kittehnap. Talks to you tomorrow!!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Hi Everyonez!

Well, just a normal day at the office for me. Leesa wents to work - I know dis, she had her black pants on. So, I'z just laze around and sleep most of the day:

But, I wakes up long enough to read some of the other #blogjune posts. I speshally likes Aunty Fiona's blog, Bun-toting Librarian. Today, Aunty Fi put up an online quiz about what a hoomin's Dewey Number is. I was a bit confused, cause I thoughts Dewey was a kitteh like me? Apparently not.

I thought putting my name into the quiz would be amusing, speshally seeing as I has a very long name, cause I'z a pedigree kitteh! Here's the results of the quiz:

Aacarmar Elalajust Devani Philip's Dewey Decimal Section:

703 Dictionaries of fine & decorative arts

Aacarmar Elalajust Devani Philip = 11318318521210190452149689296 = 113+183+185+212+101+904+521+496+892+96 = 3703

700 Arts & Recreation

Architecture, drawing, painting, music, sports.

What it says about you:
You're creative and fun, and you're good at motivating the people around you. You're attracted to things that are visually interesting. Other people might not always understand your taste or style, but it's yours.
Find your Dewey Decimal Section at


Aacarmar Elalajust Devani Philip's Dewey Decimal Section:

237 [Unassigned]

Aacarmar Elalajust Devani Philip's birthday: 2/25/2012 = 225+2012 = 2237

200 Religion

The Bible and other religious texts, books about the general philosophy and theory of religion.

What it says about you:
You don't mind thinking about the unknown or other very big ideas. You will never feel like your work is finished. The 200-series is dominated by Christian topics, so you may feel like you're constantly surrounded by Christians.
Find your Dewey Decimal Section at

Hmmmmm... not so sure about these.Will have to thinks about them some more. Maybe after another kittehnaps. Yawn......

Monday, June 3, 2013

Hi Everyonez!

Tonight, Leesa was home lates AGAIN. At least she came home from work and fed me before going out to another Lions meeting... at least this time it was for her club, Mackay Host. Most important that - feeding me.


Tonight I had pilchards wif Red Snapper for dinner. Leesa says I eats better than she does. But, that's the way it'z supposed to be. I dunno why she's confused like dat.

Anywayz, after the meeting she cames home again and gived me cuddlz. I didn't really wants them, but Leesa likes it, so...? She feeds me, I suppose. Den she talks to Aunty Kat on Skype for a whiles. Aunty Kat is owned by her feline, Mistress Gucci. Dis is Gucci:

Gucci is a clever kitteh, I coulds learn lots from her. In dis photo, Gucci is holding the computer mouse for ransom, to make Aunty Kat turn off the computer and go to bed. She clever!!!!

Anyways, I knows you all likes my pichures, so Leesa took some of me tonight while we played wif STRING!

STRING! is my favourite toy, I loves to play wif it. I even been known to "fetch" it - Leesa throws it, so I can chase it and kill it. If I wants her to throw it again, I brings it back to her. STRING! looks like dis:

See? I catched it, den I kills it. ROWR!! (Oh, and is Leesa who reads Dan Brown, nots me. I prefer more meaty stuff, like... meat!)

Leesa and I plays wif string lots. Leesa knows I like it, so she plays wif me. She's a good hoomin slave, eh?

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Hi Everyonez!

Hmmm 2nd of June. Whats to blog about? Well, Leesa slept in after the Guy Sebastian concert, so mes just played in the living room. Aren't I a good kitteh? Trouble was, when Leesa did gets up, she went out and left me! Something about the Mackay Northern Beaches Lions Club having their "Change Over" whatever dat is.

(Leesa's note: Change Over is when the Lions Club Executive and Board are installed for the coming year. New President, Secretary, Treasurer etc. It's a big deal!)

So, when she finally comes home, we haz a nice cuddlez. Is good. But then, after yesterday's indignity of a bath, Leesa puts the flea stuffs on me!! I sulking again.

But, Leesa is mostly ok for a hoomin. On my birfday in February, she boughts me CHICKN for dinner. I had lots of yums!

Well, iz time for more kittehnaps now, so I'z talks to you tomorrow!
Hi Everyonez!

Sorry my first blogz is late - Leesa was out late tonights at the Guy Sebastian concert! I can't types, so Leesa hast to types for me. I tells her whats to say.

Apparently dat hoomin in the middle wif the black singlet is Guy Sebastian, whoever he is...? Oh, and dats supposed to be singin, Riiiiiiight.

Nobody panics, Leesa was dere wif the Lions, they were catering tonight in da big caravan...

Those hoomins at the front are from the MECC. They helps wif the concert too.

Just as well Leesa went out, cause I was crabby wif her. After having a nice morning at home wif me - cuddles and playing wif STRING! and den letting me go outside to sit in the sun and eats the grass... she broughts me back inside and made me have a BATH!!! A BATH!! I was all wets!

As you can see, I'z not happy. NOT HAPPY, JAN!

Trouble is, I'z a teenager now - and like hoomin teenagers, I'z got acne! ACNE! So Leesa's gives me da bath to help wif my itchies. I don't know which is worse, da itchies or da bath. :(

Anyways, it's very lates now, so Leesa needs to go to bed. Talk to you all... later today!