Monday, June 10, 2013

Hi Everyonez!

Leesa apologises for being sick, and not being able to take dictation for me. And she was sick.... ewwww. Less said the better, really.

Still, Leesa is at home today, and I'z confused? Maybe I'z lost count, but... isn't dis a work day?? No? Hmmmm... what's a public holiday? Whatever.

Still, if Leesa is at home, dat means I can has fun! We can haz cuddlz, and play, and I can go outside! YAY!

Except... while I waz outside, Leesa threw all my boxes in the bin!! What!!! And then, I come back inside to discover all the food bowls in the dishwasher! What a twaversty! Not fair at all. No boxes. No food. Huh. I think I'll go sulk now instead.

I don't think I likes public holidays at all!!

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