Saturday, June 2, 2012

2nd of June

Ok, so it's the 2nd day of blog every day in June. I was going to blog earlier, but I had a *big fright* last night.  First, Leesa was home late from work. Then, when I came out to see her as she came in the door... it wasn't Leesa at all! I was very scared. There was a strange lady there! But, Leesa came in behind her. So, I figured it must be ok. But I hid and watched for a bit, while Leesa got my mush-mush. It turns out that this lady is Leesa's Aunt Cherry! Leesa says that she's Grandma's little sister. She didn't look little to me though...

So, once I'd had my mush-mush - I was starving! - Leesa played wif me while she was talking to Cherry. I got bwave and went to have a sniff to see if she was ok. She treated me nice so I went back to playing around by investigating everything in sight. And falling off things. I was checking out a box when I fell in it and couldn't get out! Leesa and Cherry were laughing at me. *pout* But Leesa got me out and gave me a cuddle so I felt better. They talked and talked and talked..... and didn't go to bed until very late - bad girls! I decided that I liked Cherry so I went and tucked her into bed... and then jumped up onto her tummy, which set off a round of giggles. So I went and bit her on the toe, and that was funny too! Leesa came and got me then, and we went to bed.

Today, Leesa took Aunty Cherry to meet her friend Helen, who lives down at Flaggy Rock. And yes, there is a place called Flaggy Rock!!!

So after that big adventure, Leesa was tired when she got home, so we had an afternoon nap. And that's why I'm so late wif my blog!

Oh and as requested - here is today's cute photo:


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