Hi Everyonez!
What a day!! Leesa wentz to workz as normals, but she came homez with all these packages! She said that 2 of dem was for ME!! I gots presents!
Aunty Kat in Dubbo sents me dis box:
Look at all dis stuffs I got!!
Although it was Leesa that boughts me the kitteh snuggle bed. :)
So, of course I had to check it all out!!
Troubles is, Aunty Kat sent me a collar, and I've never hadz one of dems before... and Leesa put it on me!
But no, Leesa won't take it off. She says I haves to get used to it. And she's made it a bit tighter so I can't get it in my mouth any more!
I sulking and giving Leesa the evil eye now. She's laughing at me. Me thinks I'll bite her next time she's in range...
Hmmm... maybe tomorrow after I've had some sleep... <yawn>. Night Nights, talk to everyonez tomorrow...